Biomagnetism and Magnetic Therapy: Two Distinct Approaches to Health Through Magnetic Fields

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In the realm of alternative medicine, two therapies involving magnets have gained significant attention: biomagnetism and magnetic therapy. While both utilize magnets placed on the body, they differ considerably in their approach, application, and theoretical foundations. At MagnetRX, we believe in educating our customers about these fascinating modalities and their potential impact on health.

The Crucial Role of pH in Living Organisms

Before delving into the specifics of magnetic therapies, it's essential to understand the importance of pH balance in living organisms. pH, or potential of hydrogen, is a measure of acidity or alkalinity on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline.

Just as fish require specific pH levels in their aquatic environments - some needing saltwater, others freshwater - our bodies also depend on maintaining precise pH levels for optimal health. Consider these facts:

  • Our bodies are composed of over 70% water.
  • Arterial blood must maintain a slightly alkaline pH of 7.41.
  • Venous blood requires a pH of 7.36.

This delicate balance is crucial for proper organ function and overall well-being. Many health practitioners believe that an imbalanced pH can lead to various health issues, including inflammation and chronic degenerative conditions.


Magnetic Therapy: Harnessing Single Polarity

Magnetic therapy typically involves the application of a single magnet to specific areas of the body. This approach is based on two primary principles:

  1. The South Pole side of the magnet is believed to have analgesic properties.
  2. The North Pole side is thought to have anti-inflammatory effects.

To fully understand magnetic therapy, it's crucial to grasp the concept of magnet polarity and its effects on the body:

In every magnet, there is a North Pole (South-seeking) and a South Pole (North-seeking) side. Each pole is believed to influence the body differently:

  • South Pole: Provides a right-handed (clockwise) spin to electron flow. This has been attributed to an increase in blood flow, fluid retention, and increased pH acidity.
  • North Pole: Offers a left-handed (counter-clockwise) spin to electron flow. This can result in sedative effects, reduction of pain and inflammation, and has an alkalizing effect.

Practitioners of magnetic therapy usually work with low-intensity magnetic fields, ranging from 500 to 3,500 gauss. These magnets are often applied for extended periods - hours or even days - to areas exhibiting specific symptoms such as pain or inflammation.

At MagnetRX, our magnetic therapy products focus exclusively on utilizing the North Pole facing the body. This design choice is based on the North Pole's associated benefits of reducing inflammation and pain while promoting an alkalizing effect. Our approach aligns with the prevailing practice in magnetic therapy, where most products are designed with the North Pole facing the body to maximize these potential health benefits.

Biomagnetism: The Two-Magnet Approach

Biomagnetism, also known as Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, takes a different approach. Developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran in 1988, this therapy uses pairs of magnets with opposite charges placed at specific points on the body. The key features of biomagnetism include:

  • Use of higher strength magnets (1,000 to 4,000 gauss)
  • Precise placement of magnet pairs
  • Focus on balancing the body's pH levels

In biomagnetism, the use of both positive and negative charges is crucial. The therapy employs two magnets of opposite polarity:

  1. Positive charge (North Pole): This is typically placed on areas believed to be too acidic.
  2. Negative charge (South Pole): This is placed on areas thought to be too alkaline.

The underlying principle of biomagnetism is that by creating specific magnetic fields with these paired, oppositely charged magnets, practitioners can influence the movement of hydrogen protons in the body. This is believed to help balance pH levels in various organs and tissues, potentially addressing a wide range of health issues.

Dr. Goiz's theory suggests that by using two magnets with opposite charges, we can create a very specific movement of hydrogen protons throughout the body. This movement either attracts protons to a given area or repels and pushes away protons from an area. This physical property is what allows for significant pH changes to occur in the body, potentially restoring balance and promoting healing.


The Biomagnetic Pair Concept

In biomagnetism, the use of two magnets with opposite charges creates what's known as a Biomagnetic Pair (BMP). These pairs are placed on specific parts of the body to create medium-intensity biomagnetic fields. The goal is to recover healthy homeostasis - the body's natural state of balance - through these carefully positioned magnetic fields with their opposing charges.

Proponents of biomagnetism believe that by reestablishing the body's natural pH balance through the strategic placement of positively and negatively charged magnets, various microorganisms such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites can be kept under control by our renewed homeostasis and natural defenses.

Choosing the Right Approach

At, we understand that each individual's health needs are unique. While both magnetic therapy and biomagnetism offer intriguing possibilities, it's essential to approach these therapies with an informed perspective:

  1. Consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new health regimen.
  2. Consider the specific health concerns you're looking to address.
  3. Research the qualifications and experience of practitioners if seeking treatment.
  4. Be aware that results can vary from person to person.

Our Commitment to Quality

Whether you're interested in exploring magnetic therapy or biomagnetism, MagnetRX is committed to providing high-quality magnetic products suitable for various applications. Our range includes magnets of different strengths and sizes to meet diverse needs, from low-intensity magnets used in traditional magnetic therapy to higher-strength magnets suitable for biomagnetic pair applications.

Remember, while these therapies show promise, they should complement, not replace, conventional medical care. Always work with your healthcare provider to develop a comprehensive approach to your health and well-being.

Stay tuned for more informative articles as we continue to explore the fascinating world of magnetic therapies and their potential impact on health and wellness!


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